Edina Public Schools
Our school district, Edina Public Schools, is one of the very best in the state.
However, we are no longer considered the gold standard we once were.
Over the last ten years our district's focus as shifted away from academic excellence for each and every student toward equality of outcome.
Edina Public Schools still contains exceptional teachers & administration, high caliber tools and families that care enough about education to engage with leadership.
Here are a few areas in need of attention:
Edina Public Schools Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCA's): Reading
MCA scores are statewide tests that help schools and districts measure student progress toward state academic progress.
Edina Public Schools Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCA's): Math
Resident Students Enrolled in Edina Public Schools
Edina families have increasingly chosen to send their children to private schools. With the loss of Edina resident students, our district has chosen to backfill through open enrollment which, in and of itself, is not necessarily a bad thing. However, with declining test scores, shouldn't we be taking care of our own backyard before we try to help other communities?
Our Public school system was established to educate the children of our entire community. A district focus on education rather than politics will ensure we aren't losing students to political agendas.